Digital Material Passport

NCM - Cathode Active Material Passport

Explore the essential technical innovations and environmental attributes of Nickel Cobalt Manganese (NCM) Materials. Aiming to accelerate the transition towards a more sustainable and efficient battery ecosystem.

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NCM - Cathode Active Materials

Cathode Active Materials (CAM) play a pivotal role in the production of lithium-ion batteries, serving as crucial components for various applications such as electric vehicles (EVs) and portable electronics. These materials are meticulously designed to optimize battery performance, providing high energy density and stability. Among the commonly used CAMs, Lithium Nickel Cobalt Manganese Oxide (NCM) stands out as a prominent choice. NCM is characterized by its unique properties that significantly impact energy density, safety, and longevity in lithium-ion batteries. Comprising elements such as nickel, cobalt, manganese, and lithium, NCM formulations are engineered to balance these components for optimal performance. The specific composition of NCM allows for enhanced energy storage capabilities, making it well-suited for applications with high energy demands, such as electric vehicles.

  1. Basic Data

    Manufacturer Identification


    Manufacturing Place


    Manufacturing Date


    Material Category


    Material Weight

    50 kg

    EU Declaration Of Conformity


  2. Technical data

    Product Code


    SKU #


    Chemistry Type


    Particle Size

    10-20 µm

    Tap Density

    2.4 g/cm³

    Specific Energy

    260 Wh/kg


    3.8 V nominal

    Thermal Stability


    Battery Chemistry

    Lithium Nickel Manganese Cobalt Oxide (NCM)

    Safety Certification

    CE Certified

    Original Power Capability

    High discharge rate

Verify the product passport

You can download the product passport and verify it using the EECC VC Verifier (will open in a new tab)

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DID resolver kindly made available by Danube Tech.

Third Party Verifier kindly made available by EECC.

This Passport is following the Battery Pass Content Guidance.